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From coffee waste to textile dye

 We make textile dyes from the coffee waste of Paulig's roastery.

International food and beverage company Paulig’s coffee waste from their carbon neutral Vuosaari roastery is used in the dying process. Waste is generated as coffee production side stream, and it gets a new life as Natural Indigo produces natural dyes from it. Paulig aims to minimize coffee production waste and almost 100% is already recycled.

Our dyeing plant partners are Lappajärvi Dyeing factory and 7H Färgeri, which enables the industrial dyeing of yarns. Take a step with us towards a more natural production chain, and together we will design more sustainable products for your company. We supply both larger and smaller companies. 

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+358 400 282370



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+358 400 282370

Järvikyläntie 850,

85560 Nivala, Finland

Are you interested in utilizing Finnish Natural Indigo in your own products?

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